I saw this article tweeted earlier today and I thought it would be interesting for some of our bright and capable camp Counselors to read as they are currently serving or about to serve. The article specifically states that by caring for younger children, teenagers learn how to be more mature. Many camp counselors serve at their post as alumni because they themselves had great guidance and care from a previous counselor. This week at Junior Camp we have at least one counselor who is serving for the first time after graduating from being a camper themselves and almost all the rest attended Delanco through out their middle school and high school years.

The article also highlights how many serve at camps for less pay than they would receive at a different internship or job simply because of they are dedicated. Knowing that all the counselors here at Delanco are volunteers who don’t receive monetary thanks we should be sure to double the Thank yous that they so richly deserve. Thank you counselors. You guys rock!


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