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Summer Staff Profiles: Meet Brandon Merriell

Brandon Final

As the summer season quickly approaches, we’ve asked the Delanco summer staff to tell us a little about themselves!

  1. Name: Brandon Merriell
  2. Nickname (if you have one): 
  3. Job:Lifeguard
  4. Age: 20
  5. Years on Summer Staff: This will be my first.
  6. Years Attending Camp: 11
  7. High School/College: Cornell University
  8. Home Church: Hope Christian Fellowship
  9. Favorite Delanco Memory:Throwing tons of candy into a metal fan and making a giant mess in the boy’s dorm.
  10. If someone made a movie of your life, which actor/actress would play you?Owen Wilson
  11. You’ve been given access to a time-machine. Where would you go + why?I would go back to America in the 1950’s because I think it would be neat to work for NASA during the space race.
  12. What are you most looking forward to this summer?Meeting many new people and having the opportunity to fellowship with others.
  13. Favorite Bible Verse:Psalm 37:4
  14. Briefly describe your testimony. I was raised in a Christian home. My mom was the craft lady at Delanco for several years when I was young. I came to Delanco as camper for the first time in fifth grade and that was when I gave my life to Christ and started following him.
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